Creating YOYOW Platform Account from scratch

This article will take the testnet environment as an example to introduce the operations required to create the platform, such as registering an account in the web wallet and creating a platform through the command line in the cli.

Resources Required:

Official Network:

Web Wallet Address: Network CLI Download:


Web Wallet Testing Address: CLI Download:

1. Creating Accounts, Getting Private Keys

Take the testnet as an example, visit testnet web wallet address registration or login account:

creating testnet accounts

The steps for platform owners to get the private keys of different authority levels are as follows: log in to the wallet –> settings on the left menu –> account –> view authority –> click “display private key” on the right side of the corresponding authority key –> enter the password to display the private key –> copy the private key you see to the configuration.

Get Corresponding Private Keys

2. Creating Platforms

It takes at least 11,000 YOYO to create a platform, of which 10000 is the minimum collateral deposit and 1000 is the platform fee (12000 test tokens are given for testnet registration)

2.1 Starting the Client Wallet

Take the testnet as an example, download the yoyow-client in the corresponding environment from Testnet CLI Download.

2.1.1 Starting with Parameters

Take Ubuntu as an example, connect the node of the testnet (ws://

./yoyow_client -s ws:// 

If it prompts “insufficient authority”

sudo chmod a+x * 

2.1.2 Starting with a Configuration File

Create a wallet.json file under the same path with the cli wallet


  "chain_id": "3505e367fe6cde243f2a1c39bd8e58557e23271dd6cbf4b29a8dc8c44c9af8fe",
  "pending_account_registrations": [],
  "pending_witness_registrations": [],
  "labeled_keys": [],
  "blind_receipts": [],
  "ws_server": "ws://",
  "ws_user": "",
  "ws_password": ""

then you can directly run


2.2 Setting Wallet Password

Upon successful connection, it shows

Please use the set_password method to initialize a new wallet before continuing

new >>>


new >>> set_password your password


set_password your password
locked >>> 


locked >>> unlock your password


unlock 123
unlocked >>>

means successful unlock

2.3 Importing Active Keys

unlocked >>> import_key yoyow account uid active keys

For example:

unlocked >>> import_key 120252179 5JwREzpwb62iEcD6J6WXs2fbn1aSKWQWvGLNCqAEYwS31EHD7i4


1937037ms th_a       wallet.cpp:820                save_wallet_file     ] saving wallet to file wallet.json

If it doesn't return true, please check if your uid and private key are correct.

2.4 Creating Platforms

Unlocked >>> create_platform yoyow account uid "platform name" collateral amount currency symbol "platform url address" "platform extra data json string" true

For example:

unlocked >>> create_platform 235145448 "myPlatform" 10000 YOYO "" "{}" true


  "ref_block_num": 33094,
  "ref_block_prefix": 2124691028,
  "expiration": "2018-02-07T08:40:30",
  "operations": [[
        "fee": {
          "total": {
            "amount": 1029296,
            "asset_id": 0
          "options": {
            "from_csaf": {
              "amount": 1029296,
              "asset_id": 0
        "account": 235145448,
        "pledge": {
          "amount": 1000000000,
          "asset_id": 0
        "name": "myPlatform",
        "url": "",
        "extra_data": "{}"
  "signatures": [

2.5 Updating Platforms

Unlocked >>> update_platform yoyow account uid "platform name" collateral amount currency symbol "platform url address" "platform extra data json string" true

For example:

unlocked >>> update_platform 235145448 "newplatformname" 10000 YOYO null null true

the way of returning is the same with creating a platform

The platform name, platform url address, and platform extra data are filled in with null if there is no change. As the operation in the example, the platform url address and extra data will not be changed.

2.6 Platform Extra Data Protocol

The extra data of extra_data in the platform attribute is optional content. The relevant information in the YOYOW login protocol specifies the JSON object format string format and follows the format below.


"login":"http://example/login" Platform scan-code login request interface

"description":"platform description"  platform description

"image":"http://example.image.jpg" platform image,platform image displayed in yoyow app 1.1

"h5url":"" Platform h5 address, skip to the h5 page if the app hasn't been installed

"packagename":"" Platform android jump

"urlscheme":"example://"  Platform ios jump
